Other Reports from Upriver:
Stony River: ice moved for 1/2 an hour Sunday evening.
Susan Hubbard, Sleetmute: Here is what we look like just a few minutes ago. The main body of ice is slush and I’m guessing will pass in the next 12 hours. There is some open water on the sides, and one open section in front of the school. The water level has come up just to the bottom of the bank. Looks like it is going to be totally uneventful this year.
Barb Carlson, Sleetmute: Long leads in the middle of the river have opened from Sleetmute down to just above Midway. These leads are generally where the river never froze or only froze for a short period near the end of Feb. The leads continue to eat out and elongate during the heat of the day. No pressure ridges visible from Midway. Water is rising very slowly and is still quite low – most of our snow is gone except on north facing slopes.
Evelyn Thomas, Crooked Creek: We had some ice movement by the village and a crack opened up no pictures yet, it was last night around 8 p.m.
Eric Morgan, Chuathbaluk: Water slowly rising, but still very low. Water level about where it was when the River froze last fall.
Aniak: Aniak River wide open, and Aniak Slough open to the village. People are boating up the Aniak River.
Kalskag: no activity reported.
Nicolai Napoka, Tuluksak: Mouth of Tuluksak River bad. Main River channel right above the mouth has opened up. A little ice shifting in the short cut across from the Bogus Creek area reported by pilots.