5-3 Evening Kuskokwim River Update: Ice Yawns at Aniak & McGrath Area Ice Reaches Napaimute

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Ice in Front of Aniak Slides Down Leaving a 100' Open Lead - courtesy Megan Leary

Ice in Front of Aniak Slides Down Leaving a 100′ Open Lead – courtesy Megan Leary

After days of rotting-in-place ice at Aniak, there was a little excitement this evening – but just for a short time. The main ice in front of town slid downstream a bit leaving a 100′ wide open lead. Then that was it – no other movement before dark.

Here was the water level at Aniak as of 1900 hrs:

picture courtesy of Megan Leary

picture courtesy of Megan Leary

The leading edge of the Upper Kuskokwim (McGrath area) ice reached Napaimute about 1800 hrs. There is some wood in this ice run but still far below normal. It looks like this ice and wood will catch up to the original ice still holding at Aniak and all come down with the rest of break up. Maybe some of the wood will get hung up when the ice at Aniak moves down and the water levels drop.

Water levels were rising at Napaimute and some of the ice stuck on the beach was floating off.  At the time of this report (2345) the River was about 40% full of ice.

2116 hrs Upper Kuskokwim Ice Filling Up the River at Napaimute Napaimute

2116 hrs Upper Kuskokwim Ice Filling Up the River at Napaimute

That’s the report for 5-3-15

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