Kalskag High School Students Make Trail Markers out of Local Spruce as Class Fundraiser

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Finished Bundles of Trail Markers (50 per bundle) made from local spruce

Finished Bundles of Trail Markers (50 per bundle) made from local spruce L-R: Reshelle Alexie, Sharla Parka, & Austin Hetherington


These students have already made and sold over 1,200 markers for Middle Kuskokwim trail marking this winter and are ready to make more!These students have already made and sold over 1,200 markers for Middle Kuskokwim trail marking this winter and are ready to make more!

Anyone needing trail markers is encouraged to contact mdammeyer@kuspuk.org or call 471-2288

Stapling reflectors on the locally made trail markers

Austin and Reshelle stapling reflectors on the locally made trail markers

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