Kwethluk SAR – Day four

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12-16-2014 The search continues……..

Efforts by search volunteers from several nearby communities to Akiak continued for the fourth straight day on the Kuskokwak River. Other than utilizing drag bars, gaff hooks and an underwater camera, members tried a prior used method in other successful searches of bent conduit pipe to sweep the bottom of the ice. The pipe has treble hooks attached to the end which is hoped to latch onto anything underneath. There is a layer of slush underneath the ice about three feet deep which is hampering efforts.


Personal items believed to be from the missing persons were observed on the riverbed seen by the underwater camera but were unable to be retrieved. A handheld sonar was also used today by SAR members enabling a different perspective.

The search will continue tomorrow 12-17-2014 with volunteer SAR members from different villages. A boat will be brought from Bethel to the search area and will be used to search areas at the edges of the open area and in the area freshly frozen where the ATV was located.

As a reminder, donations to help with this effort can be made to VPSO Sgt. Max Olick in Kwethluk. All previous donations made are greatly appreciated.

Many people are now driving their vehicles on the river ice and need to be reminded to keep speeds slow, especially around corners as their is a light dusting of snow and the ice is very slick. And to keep to established marked trails. There are still open areas in the river which most should be marked with either tall willows or trail stakes and blue reflective tape. Overflow is also reported in several areas on the edges of the river systems that everyone should also be aware of.

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