5-3 Upper Kuskokwim Ice Passing Through:

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Upper Kuskokwim (McGrath Area) Ice Passing Red Devil this Afternoon

Upper Kuskokwim (McGrath Area) Ice Passing Red Devil this Afternoon – courtesy Ruby Egrass

Report from Susan Hubbard in Sleetmute:
“Mcgrath ice started running past Sleetmute Saturday night at 11:00pm and is
still running at 12:45pm on Sunday (today).  Little or no change in water
level.  ice is small chunks and slush – no woody debris seen.”

Report from Ruby Egrass in Red Devil: “We have a lot more ice coming down than we did yesterday, must be McGrath ice and the water level is now higher than when we had breakup, a lot of the ice on the sandbars and shore is now falling into the river.”

13;12 PM -Looking Straight Across the River at Red Devil - courtesy Ruby Egrass

13:12 PM -Looking Straight Across the River at Red Devil – courtesy Ruby Egrass

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