12-18-2014 The search ended today with no new developments but everyone left the site still with lots of hope and faith that the missing persons will be found soon. Again there were about 60 volunteers from different communities that were split into search groups with specific assignments. Some were assigned to use the drag bars, others assigned to poling and using the cameras.
There were moments of possible clues found under the ice using the bent conduit pipe with attached treble hooks method, gaffs, drag hooks, underwater cameras and today utilizing a metal detector. Akiak SAR had lengthened the reach of the detector by first lengthening the original wiring between the sensor and the control mechanism. Then placing the extended wiring into a 12 foot conduit pipe and attaching the sensor to the opposite end. Thereby creating a 12 metal detector which can be inserted into open holes in the ice and searching underneath. Which helped in finding new clues as to possible locations. Necessity, definitely creates improvement of known technologies!
The ice and slush removed from on top came from the trenches and auger holes and was proving very dangerous as the weight was creating stress on the thin ice.

Base Camp! Where anyone can get dried smoked Salmon, Caribou soup, homemade fry bread, a sandwich and a great cup of hot Coffee.
The plan for 12-19-2014 involves similar strategies for the day…dragging, poling, observing and most importantly of all, prayers for a successful recovery. As a reminder to all volunteers, please sign in upon arrival at the site with either VPSO Sgt. Max Olick or BSAR -Norman Japhet. Thank you for all your support during this search.