5-3 Upper Kuskokwim Ice Passing Through:



Upper Kuskokwim (McGrath Area) Ice Passing Red Devil this Afternoon

Upper Kuskokwim (McGrath Area) Ice Passing Red Devil this Afternoon – courtesy Ruby Egrass

Report from Susan Hubbard in Sleetmute:
“Mcgrath ice started running past Sleetmute Saturday night at 11:00pm and is
still running at 12:45pm on Sunday (today).  Little or no change in water
level.  ice is small chunks and slush – no woody debris seen.”

Report from Ruby Egrass in Red Devil: “We have a lot more ice coming down than we did yesterday, must be McGrath ice and the water level is now higher than when we had breakup, a lot of the ice on the sandbars and shore is now falling into the river.”

13;12 PM -Looking Straight Across the River at Red Devil - courtesy Ruby Egrass

13:12 PM -Looking Straight Across the River at Red Devil – courtesy Ruby Egrass

5/3 Morning Kuskokwim River Update – Middle River Still Holding

5-3 Early Morning River at Aniak - courtesy of Lisa Feyereisen

5-3 Early Morning River at Aniak – courtesy of Lisa Feyereisen

The Kuskokwim River above Chuathbaluk is pretty much ice free but there is ice piled along both sides of the River making it difficult to land a boat anywhere for miles and miles. Also there is no wood coming down.

There has been little change in the River at Chuathbaluk, Aniak, and both Kalskags over the past two days – except for slowly rising water. The ice at Chuathbaluk moved for a short time on Friday but then jammed in the Owhat River area a few miles below the village.

Aniak area ice appears to be rotting in place. Kalskag this morning reports that water has risen high enough that there is no more beach left.

That’s the report for the morning of May 3rd.

Ice is piled on the beaches for miles and miles above Chuathbaluk

Ice is piled on the beaches for miles and miles above Chuathbaluk

Looking for ducks along the ice covered beaches

Looking for ducks along the ice covered beaches


5-1 Kuskokwim River Update:

Ice has been running at Napaimute for over 12 hours. Starting to thin out and current is slowing down

Ice has been running at Napaimute for over 12 hours. Starting to thin out and current is slowing down. A lot of ice is stuck on the beach.

Ice shifting above Chuathbaluk but still holding in front of the village - picture courtesy of Vernon Peterson

Ice shifting above Chuathbaluk but still holding in front of the village – picture courtesy of Vernon Peterson

Rising River at Aniak picture courtesy Megan Leary

Rising River at Aniak picture courtesy Megan Leary

Vernon Peterson, Chuathbaluk reports: ” checked around 10:00 this morning, the water level came up about 4 or 5 feet then went back down. This pile up is by Jim Smiths place, and above Chuathbaluk behind the island.”

Other Reports from further up:

4-30-15 Ray Collins, McGrath: “The ice moved here about 1PM and by five it was running freely.  It has not stopped so must be moving on downriver.  Have not heard a pilots report yet.  The North Fork may be holding above Medfra but  no report.  The South Fork is now clear from Nikolai to Medfra.  And they reported from Takotna that the ice is moving there but it has not reached the mouth across from MCgrath yet. The pans are also breaking up as they go by McGrath and some of the pieces are just candle ice.”

4-30-15 Kevin Gusty, Stony River: “It has been Raining and I was Correct the ice mostly melted and people are using boats .”

5-1-15 Barb Carlson, Sleetmute: “The ice moved out last night between Sleetmute and Red Devil and this morning there are only a few small pieces floating past.  Water never came up much at all and went right back down after the ice passed.  The Holitna is also open.”

5-1-15 Evelyn Thomas, Crooked Creek, “Ice has been running full since last night, we still have 3/4 river full with ice, water is low and no danger!!! YAY!”

No other reports at this time.



4-29 Kuskokwim River Pictures Bethel – Napaimute:

Josh Kameroff warms up while watching the 2015 Kuskokwim Break Up at Napaimute

Josh Kameroff warms up while watching the 2015 Kuskokwim Break Up at Napaimute

Schwabe Island area - notice how dark the ice is on main channel side and below

Schwabe Island area – notice how dark the ice is on main channel side and below

Gweek River area - bad ice

Gweek River area – bad ice

Tuluksak Area

Tuluksak Area

Ice free Aniak River & Slough

Ice free Aniak River & Slough

Shifting ice behind the cross - River wide open for several miles above.

Shifting ice behind the cross – River wide open for several miles above.

How it looks from River level - water low but rising

How it looks from River level – water low but rising


4-29 River Pictures:

Ice Moves out at Sleetmute - courtesy Susan Hubbard

Ice Moves out at Sleetmute – courtesy Susan Hubbard

Susan reports: “The main channel of ice in front of Sleetmute moved out last evening. It didn’t go far as you can see in the 3rd photo. It has stopped just at the end of the village. There is still a shelf of ice upriver from my place and a long stretch reading up from the island across from the village. The last picture shows the extent of the shore ice… next to nothing. I’ll keep everyone posted as things continue through out today.”

Aniak last night - courtesy Megan Leary

Aniak last night – courtesy Megan Leary

River at Upper Kalskag - courtesy NVKLG Environmental Department

River at Upper Kalskag – courtesy NVKLG Environmental Department

4-29 Report from Stony River (no pictures):

Kevin Gusty reports this morning:

“Our River and sloughs are melting and water has been low but we have alot of open water everywhere. Lots of birds and a black bear once in a while.

The Ice was not very thick this year and from what I could gather it is the same up River, the ice shifts almost every day ,not much to tell but like I said it is just mostly melting and shifting little by little and when the ice goes it will go all out. I dont think we or anyone will have flood issues this year – if there are issues I would be surprised.”