Day 43 began with cold temperatures about -40 with the wind chill and renewed determination to find and recover Sally Stone after the recovery of Evan. Crossmon with his ROV and multi-beam sonar and video camera searched several areas downriver of where Evan was recovered, sweeping over 300 feet in every direction of the compass from one large hole in the ice. Every so often, Tom would become excited and then frustrated when thick wood debris would come into view when wanting to search closer, and afraid of getting his ROV stuck. But a piece of dry smoked salmon would calm him down and a smile would appear on his face, thankful for the friendship he has developed with the people that come to search and help him everyday. And the search members who have not not given up hope…..
We at BSAR would like to THANK Upper Kalskag Native Community who donated a 55 gallon drum of gas to assist in the recovery effort. Thank you for helping……
As a side note: The funeral for Andrew Andrew in Kwethluk is scheduled for Friday whom BSAR helped to find near the Kwethluk airport and a memorial service in Atmautluak for Sally Stone is scheduled for Saturday.

Search members cutting holes in the ice
We will be searching for Stone on Friday, the 23rd along with Akiachak and Atmautluak SAR teams.