No new developments in search for two missing

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12-29-2014 *****QUICK UPDATE*****

There has not been any body recoveries today. At the end of the search today, BSAR received many inquiries and rumors about remains that were found and recovered. That is not the case, although with the help of everyone who have volunteered, including Keith “the sonar man”, many other clues were found that will help in the recovery effort.

Because of the weather forecast, winds of 40 mph, rain and the several inches of water already on top of the ice, BSAR will not be responding to the Kuskokwak search site on 12-30-14. We will be returning as soon as weather and conditions permit.

To the search volunteers that may be going back to the site, please be very wary of the water and ice conditions on the Kuskokwim, Kwethluk and Kuskokwak waterways as the rain, warmer temperatures, and weather forecast will make conditions dangerous.

A more detailed update will follow……..

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