For the last three weeks recovery efforts have continued for the two people believed to be under the ice on the Kuskokwak Slough. Today about 20 people at the site arrived to colder temperatures and freezing water hampering efforts in the drag efforts. Ice is rapidly forming in all the trenches and holes made and some had to be reopened with an ice pick. Plans are for more volunteers from several villages to return tomorrow with renewed hope and enthusiasm regardless of the elapsed time.

Bottom right image details the open hole in the ice upon discovery of missing people. Top left depicts a photo taken 12-29-14. (photos courtesy of Earl Samuelson)
Yesterday on 01-02-2015, Keith Cormican of Bruces Legacy (bruceslegacy.com) left Bethel for his home in Wisconsin after tirelessly working for several days with his sonar. Keith’s efforts and equipment were greatly appreciated by BSAR and he was presented with traditional Yupik dance fans, a BSAR jacket and a BSAR ball cap. During the entire time Keith was available, he and his equipment was utilized, including on 01-01-15. Many identified clues provided by the sonar were discovered and eliminated. Clues included the river bottom terrain, large dips where debris collects and objects of interest. The Klein sonar was also used upside down to scan the underside of the ice where lots of slush and reflection deterred efforts.
On 12-29-14, After discovering several inches of water on the Kuskokwim River making for hazardous conditions, Ravn Aviation donated six seats for BSAR members, including Keith to fly from Bethel to Kwethluk. The group then traveled via snowmobile to the search area with members of Kwethluk SAR about five miles away.
This search has physically and mentally tired many, including this author after three weeks of hoping, praying, probing and viewing. We all pray that both remains will be discovered soon so we can close this chapter in an otherwise drawn out endeavor. Please send prayers and hope to the volunteers and family members of the missing people.
All SAR groups in the area of the search would like to see more volunteers assist, those that have been at home waiting for the call to help. We all would like to have our camp site manned by volunteers to make coffee, prepare snacks and help sharpen the tools that have been dull with use. As temperatures cool over the next several days, a hot bowl of soup at camp is always welcome.