Third day assisting Kwethluk

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12/15/14 A total of about 60 searchers from Atmautluak, Akiak, Napaskiak and BSAR again assisted Kwethluk SAR with their efforts to recover two people determined to have fallen into the Kuskokwak River.


Today was spent cutting trenches in the nearly two feet of ice using chain saws and using drag bars with treble hooks to search underwater near the location where a third person was recovered. An underwater camera was also utilized to assist in the effort.


BSAR assisted Kwethluk SAR by setting up two tents to be used as food service areas and rest shelters.

An area less than a mile downriver from the search area was discovered today where the ice in some areas was less than an inch thick. That area was surrounded with tall cut willows  and blue reflecting tape. Search volunteers responding to assist in the recovery effort are asked to remain cautious when traveling in the immediate area.

Search efforts will resume tomorrow 12/16/14.  20141215_153515

Donations to Kwtheluk SAR, care of VPSO SGT. Max Olick, are again encouraged to assist in the recovery effort.

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