WARNING! Danger area on the main river above Bethel – pictures taken 12-11 by Earl Samuelson, AST Pilot

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Dangerous Area of Thin Ice & Open Water Between the Upper End of Schwabe Island and the Bethel Bluffs

Dangerous Area of Thin Ice & Open Water Between the Upper End of Schwabe Island and the Bethel Bluffs

With the nice cool weather we have been having the River has been freezing up nicely, but please do not assume that it is safe to travel everywhere or that every dangerous area has been marked. Stick to the trails that are used the heaviest and do not follow single sets of tracks. Look at the picture below:

Don't trust a single set of tracks - look where this person went. Someone following this track at a slower speed might not survive the trip.

Don’t trust a single set of tracks – look where this person went. Someone following this track at a slower speed might not survive the trip.

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