Parting ways in the Weather – Sean into Anchorage, John back to Burwash

Mother nature is a fickle mistress… After a 3 hour break in Burwash, we loaded up and took off for the North headed for Northway and beyond. Sean was about 6 miles in front of me. The valley gets narrower and narrower until it squeezes into a fairly narrow point before opening up and heading up to Beaver Creek.

As pilots, we set our minimums based on, of course the legal minimums, but also experience and “pucker factor” — That point where you just aren’t comfortable and you decide to try again later. My luck ran out as the weather was better for Sean just a few minutes earlier and I decided it was back to Burwash and take a look later. Sean was through and into better weather, so we decided to part ways at that point. No reason for him to wait for me.

Sean made it into Northway with no issues and then, with good weather and several hours of daylight left in the day, made it into Anchorage just before sunset. 7 days in flight from Maine to Anchorage. Not bad!

For me, it was back to Burwash to find gas. A call to Dan in Haines Junction, who had helped us the night before found that there was gas to be had, but no battery for the pump. So a little “MacGyver-ing” and my plane battery was out and powering the pump! Topped off with gas, it was now too late to do anything and the weather was pretty much the same. Miller TIME!! Fast Eddie Ostashek showed up from Burwash and helped me cover up and gave me a ride into a motel in Burwash.

A steak and a beer and I was done for the day! Out like a light at 8pm!!


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5 Responses to Parting ways in the Weather – Sean into Anchorage, John back to Burwash

  1. Mike Savage says:

    Guessing you didn’t get to stop at Northern Rockies Lodge. When you get Anch. look up Pete as he wants to meet you. I gave you his contact info earlier.

  2. Janet martens says:

    Glad to see you’re safe and enjoying the cub. I would Agree with Mike about Pete. He’s like family only better. Keep us posted.

  3. Emily Emery says:

    Here’s to safe travels today! Craig is at Spernak’s today, he would enjoy seeing the cubs and you of course 🙂
    Safe Travels,

  4. Ann Glasheen says:

    John I can’t thank you enough for having this site up and all the updates it was a great comfort knowing where my son Sean was I truly appreciate it Thanks again safe travels Ann Glasheen

  5. Dave Kay says:

    Nice to meet you guys in Lloydminster

    Glad you are home safe